2012 - Here i come!

fredag, december 30, 2011

Ok, im not one of those who think my life will change with new years eve.
Yeah, there is something magical about all the people waiting for the clock to hit 12.
Just as magical is every race where people are standing together at the start line just waiting for that bang..... 

A new year is a good starting point to get healthier and start gyming, running, being nicer, but so is every Monday.

For you that race / compete / like to exercise a new year means an new run i circle, most of the races comes back again, new chances to do last years experience.
People have different goals. Some want to do something new for the first time, some just want to do it again for fun, some want to do it faster, and some thinks never again. Here is my goals for 2012.

* Stockholm marathon under 3.30, personal best 3.44 (3.25 so i beat my friend, hehe).
* Run 10km under 40 min, personal best right now 41.03.
* Stockholm marathon 100 years jubilee have an great run and enjoy it (hopefully around 3.30).
* Lidingö loppet under 2.30, personal best 2.44 (30km terrein)
* Run an Marathon outside Sweden.

* Race some of the Mtb races in the Swedish Mtb marathon cup and take some points.
* Out ride some more.

* Try to get to some more trainings with my club.
* Do atleast one or two races.

These arent really goals for new year, more ongoing projects, hehe
* I really need to start eating better.
* Train in the morning when i dont have my son. (seems impossible)
* Rest more, no JRA on resting day.

First half year im going to focus on running and trying to get some bike hours aside.
Im not doing the samme misstake as last year trying to do everything at the same time, that ended up with nothing. So setting upp some goals for next near makes it easier to plan.

I have alot of other things planned for 2012 that doesent concern training with family and friends.
But right here i just taking up the sport part =).

If you got any goals for next year, good luck and hope you fix them and

Happy new Year!
               Dont forget to have fun =)

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