One week to Lidingöloppet
söndag, september 23, 2012Lidingöloppet (30km terrain running) is next Saturday, one of my big goals this year.
Since Stockholm Marathon ended up with a DNS due to my knee, hoping to get a good run here.
Last weeks week's I've had really tired legs, felt good but my legs been kind of wasted and needed long recovery, specially after Ursvik all in and Stockholm Half Marathon last weekend.
So took my long run yesterday with my friend instead of Sundays when we usually do the long runs.
Was an really nice run with 20km terrain, quite hilly and an last k on tarmac, maybe going a bit fast for cool down.
So I'm feeling quite ready, maybe not as fast that i thought i would be but still got 2.30 as goal.
Been on Gainomax Sport team for Lidingö loppet, and it's been really nice have'ing the fridge ready with recovery drinks.
Today was restday watching the Worlds in Road cycling and did some baking.
Since the race was around 6 hours i got a lot baking done, hehe
Now I will probably rest the following week, think i may take a run Tuesday and a short 1-2k run on Friday just to wake the legs up.