Full Speed Last Week

onsdag, april 18, 2012

I'm still alive, at least I think so. My Garmin is showing an
pulse that must be a good thing =)

Last week has been really full all the time, been very late evenings.
Thought i have to do a update now =).

Last week  big thing was Antons birthday party!
I'm happy that only happens once a year, hehe
Me and his mother had quite busy the days before.
But I must say we did it great =)

Blowing the candles

Lightning Mcqeen was the big them.

That Saturday checked me when looking out:

Guess we got winter again.

It fell like 20 inches of snow. Crazy
Knew that it would be gone to the next day, but there was a lot of snow.

In the evening Stefan came over for some BBQ.
No snow stopping us!


After that day i was quite finished, just relaxed with a glass of wine =)

Saturday relax


My mother came over to watch Anton and it was time to run.
Christian came over to keep me company, running 30km is so boring by your self
so I was happy that he joined.

Out running

Still some snow out there.

After 30km of running we both were quite tired.
The afternoon I spent with Anton fixing the Garden, really nice.
The sun was shining and actually quite warm outside. We were there for like 3 hours.

Monday riding to work, still a bit wet in some places:

Not a fun view

Later I went out for some XC rideing with Stefan and showing him some local XC tracks.
It was really fun, was long time ago i rode som good XC tracks.

This evening i changed win for an smoothie, ehhe

Dont get so sleepy from this =)

Went out to Christian for some running.
5 X 100m sprints then 8km of increasing pace.
Ended with 3.55 min /km pace on the last one.
Went really well.

Totally 18km

Got some god heart work today =)

Todays run.

Really happy with this workout.

Tomorrow is resting day, got a race on Saturday also.
So laudry and a lot thoose home stuff tomorrow.

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