Last month update

söndag, november 25, 2012

Haven't been writing much lately, I blame offseason, hehe

So, been down too Nice, France to run Nice - Cannes Marathon.
Last week before the trip was an nightmare. I had high fever the whole week until the morning off when we were leaving. Thank god. Haven't been the most comfortable trip. It's enough that i was afraid of flying, hehe.

So the Marathon, I wasn't exactly in peak performance so the plan was to have a nice run. Aiming for an pace around 5.20 min/km pace. My goal was hitting 5 min pace to get an 3.390 time.

The run started good, really nice running along the sea. Then at 14k, my piece of crap to knee started hurting. I couldn't quit the race. No one, I mean no one down there knows English. I didn't know if would wind up in jail, some island or some town that doesn't have high speed internet.

So just thinking of no pain no gain. At the pace i was going i wasn't really going to gain anything, hehe
Last 10k I counted that if I just would speed up a little I could make it sub 4 hours. And I did it: 3:58, small victory. Mostly happy that i could push myself around.

After in the evening we celebrated with some French wine and relaxed. =)

Afterwards I have mostly been sick or my son has been sick.
December will probably start up my training for next year. Last weeks has been some gym, swimming, bike, run just as i felt for it.

Cold ride on the CX

Also been at an Swedish bike Expo. Was really nice. Mostly too meet up all the people that usually home hiding on the indoor trainer, ehhe

Bike expo

Will try too keep it more uptodate here now.
Right now i'm sick, hoping to get back on course next week. =)

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